Sunday, 3 February 2013

Watch: Steel River Episode 1

Remember the trailer to new web series Steel River that I posted a while back? Well episode 1 has finally hit the web. Peep the 1st instalment and my 2 pence after the jump:

Man, I really want to give the show a chance but the producers have to come better than this. The episode was four minutes long at best and could easily been branded as an alternative trailer. The cross promotional ads were also a bit much. I think that episodes should be a minimum of 8 mins long otherwise it is quite clear that I and other viewers will simply lose interest.

That said the trailer indicates that the show still has a lot of ground to cover so I'll be watching. Let's hope the second instalment makes up for this.

What did you think?

1 comment:

  1. TOTALLY AGREE! They spent more time on building the trailer/storyline than they did on the actual episode! And those Coming Attractions o other projects-forthcoming weren't necessary, it could've been shown at the end of the episode~ughk! The show has a lot to cover and the episodes aren't long enough to hold one's attention, in my opinion!
    If all you're gonna get is 4mins an episode, than it may be best to just do a short film and call it a day!


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