Saturday, 1 May 2010


I was listening to Wiley - Pick Ur Self Up and it got me thinking?

Do you ever feel like needy folks that you are dating try to steal up all your free time?

I mean its cool to date and all, but I am someone who appreciates my own space and need someone with the maturity and independence not for me to have to check in each day unless my emotions make me want to do so. This is because I am a busy guy.

The worst thing you can do is dictate how you feel you deserve to be treated because to me that is just selfish, and the quick way to never hear from me again.

Are you needy and think I'm totally wrong? Or are you independent and can completely relate?

Let's get the comments popping. Don't be scarred.

1 comment:

  1. Depends on the guy but usually I like to hear from my significant other everyday. Does not have to be a phone call could just be a text.
    Not because I am insecure or not busy, just because I care, and I like to make sure my partner is cool and all is well with him.


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