Thursday, 1 May 2014

Book Review: Nothing Can Tear Us Apart - Rage

Nothing will ever tear us apart Rage is the second instalment of the Nothing Will Ever Tear Us Apart series by Wyatt O'Brian Evans.

So what did I think of the book?

Find out by clicking read more below:

 The Novel picks up with the Narrator Wesley reeling from an unforgivable beat down handed to him by his partner and Head of Security Antonio after finding him in a compromising situation. From the outside looking in, the compromising situation looked like Antonio was cheated on in the worst way. Antonio later learns that it was a set up; Wesley was drugged by an enemy to break them apart.

The next two third of the book essentially paraphrases the first novel in depth via narrator flash backs; great if this installment is your first foray into the world of Wesley and Antonio, a bugbear if not. Basically it felt like a college student cutting and pasting chunks from a high school assignment into a college one. The sex scenes and dirty talk were another bugbear, it was more bad porno than tactile and arousing. The twist at the end I feel should have been hinted at earlier in the book to make the final chapter shock but aha moments at the same

What the book did excellently was document the tension and emotion we all can relate to when couples go through relationship problems, and also when the couple spoke to each other, how they articulated their issues to each other well. Roll on instalment three!


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