Sunday 27 February 2011

Count Me In Campaign

Have you heard about the count me in campaign? UK based charity GMFA launched the campaign recently to get people having sex, thinking about 5 key steps to stop the spread of HIV. So what are these points? Wanna hear from one of the spokespeople from the campaign? The info after the jump.

What has Chris Brown Done?!

What has Chris done which has so far got the attention of 90,000 people? Find out After the jump.

Saturday 26 February 2011

LOL Of The Day: Shirt Lifting Contest - Marvin vs Marvin

As part of a T4 feature, Marvin from JLS competes an unknown Marvin in a battle to strip off eight layers of V neck T-shirts cheered on by the other band members. Who wins? Find out after the jump:

Friday 25 February 2011

Jessie J: "I've dated girls and I've dated guys. I'm really comfortable with it and my family have accepted it."

Emerging artist Jessie J put the rumours to rest about her preffered team via an interview with MTV news.

Read the full quote via the mirror after the jump

Throwback Wells Fargo Ad Promoting Diversity

If only this type of advertising was more commonplace. Wishful thinking right?

Qaadir Talks Awareness Of Self

Friend to the blud blog Qaadir Howard recently uploaded a video sharing a high school experience talking about awareness of self. Peep it after the jump.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

WATCH: Timothy Bloom - 'Til The End Of Time ft. V. Bozeman (Video)

Check out this tactfully worked visual to Interscope recording artist Timothy Bloom support his single 'Til The End Of Time'. Peep the video after the jump:

Guess Who?

Which black male singer was spotted in LA donning brown nail polish during a lunch during Grammy weekend?

The answer (courtesy of is after the jump

Qaadir Reviews The Grammys

Friend to the Blud! blog Qaadir Howard, reviews the Grammys in his latest Youtube upload. Peep his signature critics after the jump:

WATCH: 'Tha Life' Extended Trailer (Black Gay Reality Series)

Remember the blog not too long ago on a new black gay reality series currently in production called Tha life? An extended trailer recently hit the net.

Peep the trailer and my two pence on it after the jump:

Monday 21 February 2011

Terrance Higgins Trust Report On Black Men

I stumbed across a report written 10 years ago by the Terrance Higgins Trust; a charity that promotes safe sex and support for people infected with HIV. The report centres on black men. Peep it here.

LOL of the Day: Countess Vaughn & Usher go at it

Check out this throwback footage of actress Countess Vaughn playfully going at it with Usher. What footage I hear you asking? All is revealed after the jump:

Saturday 19 February 2011

Man Of The Week: Joshua Holland

This week title of man of the week goes to Josh Holland. The model / actor / personal trainer is educated eye candy following his dreams. More power to him.

Check out his modelmayhem page and his website. More Pics after the jump:

Thursday 17 February 2011

Watch: The World's Worst Place To Be Gay

BBC Radio 1 DJ Scott Mills was the focus of a BBC3 documentary titled: The Worst place in the World To Be Gay. Check out the show and my two pence after the jump.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Footballers Wives Throwback: Conrad and Noah

 Remember this Footballers Wife, throwback storyline? I remember I had to sneak around to watch this because it used to come on after my bedtime.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

B Scott Talks Men and New Ventures

Multimedia maven BScott talks men and his new beauty ventures in his latest youtube video. What products has B Scott made available to the masses? What men have been troubling him lately? All this and more after the jump:

Jessie J Addresses Sexuality Rumors On Stage

Whilst gigging at Barfly in Camden, Emerging Artist tipped for global success Jessie J, addressed sexuality rumours through song whilst vibing on stage. Peep what she had to say after the jump:

Blud Health: Teeth

Everyone is after that hollywood smile. Two rows of white and perfectly aligned teeth. After all isn't it in our nature to want to look our best at all times? Want to work towards what's in your nature? More on this after the jump.

B Scott Talks E-Chatshow

Multimedia Maven B Scott who has been on a youtube hiatus of late, posted a new video recently. Which A-List star does B Scott Have in his sights? What is the status of his e-chatshow that has seen the likes of Kandi Buruss and Mariah Carey pass by? Find out after the jump

The Creators Of DL Chronicles Need Your Help!

Remember DL Chronicles, the solid mini series showing the struggles of black men associated with man to man attraction? The series was canned by the Here! network but undeterred the creators currently have four episodes in pre production. In order to get the finished product out to the masses via a major network, the creators need your help. What do they require of you? Peep their open letter and my 2 pence after the jump:

Monday 7 February 2011

Black Guy From Doritos Ad Talks Sexuality

Remember the Doritos Superbowl Ad. Well the black guy did an interview recently in response to all the buzz the ad got. He also reveals with team he bats for. Is he #teamchico or #teamchica? Find out after the jump.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Qaadir Talks Friends & Associates

Qaadir recently posted a video on friends and associate with makes for a interesting watch. Peep it after the jump.

Man of the Week: Sacha M’baye

The title of man of the week goes to French-Senegalese model Sacha M’baye. More pictures after the jump via

LGBT Rapper Kaoz Breaks Down During Interview

During a recent interview with Wesley from AconnectionTV, LGBT rappper Kaos breaks down. What causes him to do so? Find out after the jump:

Saturday 5 February 2011

Being Gay Is Ok Being Straight Is Cool But Who Cares?

 Check out this thought provoking youtube video from Michael and Wesley of AConnection TV. The video covers coming out, family and social relationships and suicide. The video is after the jump:

Film Review: After Sex

Recently I watched the movie After Sex. What did I think? Find out after the jump

Friday 4 February 2011

Tyra Clip: Tyra talks Gay for Pay Adult Performers

Check out this throwback clip from the Tyra show. The episode, adult performers claiming that they were pay for pay made for interesting viewing. Especially given that Tyra isn't the type to leave stones unturned. Peep the clip after the jump

Moving Stuff: Nadin Khoury

Last month Nadin Khoury, became victim to school bullies in Phillidephia because he and his mum are African immigrants.

One of the bullies filmed the incident and uploaded it to youtube. The video caught the media's attention and the bullies have since been arrested. Nadin was invited to The View to share his story and surprised by his favorite football team for his bravery. Peep the video after the jump:

Thursday 3 February 2011

Folks from the Arts Talk 'It Gets Better'

Check out this quirky video from a range of people from the theatre industry with collaboration with Stonewall. As always the video is after the jump.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

LOL of the Day - Malice (Clipse) + Vaseline

Check out Malice from rap duo The Clipse having fun with a jar of vaseline. Why? The clip is after the jump.

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