Friday 8 June 2018

The US Adventures: Atlanta Pt 1

I'm not gonna lie. I have a weakness for Americans.

I love the confidence, the chat, the looks and the chemistry. So much so that I decided to go to the belly of the beast for my 1st trip there. Atlanta.

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As cliché as it sounds, the 1st time I went to a club I was floored. It was a respectful safe space for people who looked like me. Imagine a large house party where everyone in the building was on a similar wave without the stereotypes you see on TV. 

I'm a sucker for a handsome, round the way looking, well put together brother and there was no shortage in supply. Long story short I was hard from the moment I walked in to the moment I left.

What surprised me most about the experience is that I found it so easy to confidently break the ice with people that caught my eye for the right reasons. And then there was Ryan. 6'4, killer swag and a personality that was humble and intriguing.

"Yo" I said. "I'm visiting from London and I thought I'd come over and say what's good?" "London England?" he replied, "That's whats up. I'm Ryan". "I'm TJ" I responded, fully downplaying in my demeanour and how this dude could have said jump and I would have said how high because I was so sprung out of the gate.

We lost ourselves in conversation, politicking about life, aspirations and trading professions. A few drinks later I was ready to bounce. "Let me get your information before you leave." Ryan asked "Better yet, I'll give you a ride back to your spot." he added.

The evening was playing out like an RNB video and I was drunk on art imitating life. Ryan's Infiniti was decked and the cool August air was the perfect accessory to the Atlanta skyline as I rode shotgun through midtown en route to my Buckhead hotel.

When we pulled into the parking lot. I rolled the tinted windows up, looked at Ryan and said "Man you are dope af. Your conversation has been on point and I'm glad I met you." "Likewise" he replied, "Now come over here and meet me halfway"

.... to be continued.


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